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The d-game match of the Great Game tournament being held on the American television program starts from the 4th dawn. It will start in about two hours so I’m waiting while watching the World Cup. Asian forces did not participate in Group C, British players and Amebana players remained. There are three Japanese in Korea, two Koreans and two Americans, so the Japanese are able to capture two qualifying passages for Japanese athletes by Japanese athletes. This group D is a group of so-called deaths, three of the top 4 players of the tournament are included. A tournament where prizes will take place in Japan starting from this month also began in Japan. Total prize money of 1000 people in a team battle to be played by six teams 18 people Winning team One team 200 people is the biggest competition in Japan. The top six rankings of last year’s rankings became captains and nominated drafts to fight in 3 to 3, playing league game over 2 months. It is broadcasted on Avema TV and openrec. It is a very high level competition, and honestly I am satisfied with overseas players. However, I remember excitedly that I liked the society in which Japanese forces overwhelmed overseas in overseas competitions. In the end I want to bash, overseas. It is enough for all Japanese to feel active in overseas. 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